Whether you are entertaining overnight guests or friends just dropping by, the powder room is the one area all will ask to visit. Have you taken inventory of this part of your home lately? Make your bathroom boutique-beautiful by implementing our top points below.
Always Have on Hand:
1. Mouthwash: Place mouthwash in a crystal decanter and have a tray to hold 2-ounce disposable cups.

2. Paper Guest Towels: Place paper hand towels on a tray. If you prefer linen towels, have two to three on hand. People shy away from previously used wet cloth.
3. Toilet Paper: heck the current roll. If it is low, switch it out. Always keep a few spares within sight. A pretty basket works well as a holding spot.
4. Plunger: This is the one item you may hide in a cabinet. If someone needs it, they will find it!

5. Air Freshener: Does this need an explanation? Keep this on a tray with the hand towels or in the basket with the extra toilet paper.
6. Artwork: Have something visually pleasing to view, so guests do not stare at a blank wall while on the seat of honor.

7. Candle: Always light a candle. This is a welcoming touch.
8. Trashcan: This can be small but place it where it will be easily seen.
9. Lights: Keep overhead lights off unless you can dim them. Ambient lights or scones are preferable.

10. Hand Soap: Make sure your dispenser remains full if you use liquid soap. If you prefer a bar, keep it fresh and new.

11. Lotion: Displayed next to the soap, lotion provides a little pampering touch for your guests.
12. Lock: I dread that feeling when I am in a strange bathroom, trying desperately to hold the door shut because the lock is broken. Always ensure the lock works!

13. Mirror: Although rare, I have been in powder rooms without a mirror. This item is a necessity!
14. Rug: This visually softens a room and adds comfort for standing.
15. Master of Disguise: Some guest bathrooms must double as a child’s bathroom. You can disguise the tub and shower with a custom-made curtain. Unless someone looks, most will assume there is a window behind the fabric.
Together with you,
Lisa Lou