The story of Abraham being told to sacrifice Isaac was a test. God knew Abraham was ready for what He had planned for him to accomplish, but Abraham’s faith needed to be strengthened. More importantly, Abraham needed to see that he was ready! Faith, when not exercised, grows weak. God tests our faith, not for His knowledge (He is all-knowing) but for our knowledge. “God, even though I don’t understand, even though I am crying out in pain and heartache, I believe in You, I trust in You. I know your plan is perfect.” When our faith is strengthened, we learn to hold tight to God’s promises. Holding tight to God’s promises allows us to persevere in the job He has given us. He promises He will use all things for our good “for those who love the Lord.” (Never forget this all-important part of Romans 8:28.) Increasing and strengthening our faith causes us to keep Him at the center of all we do.