The holidays bring travel for many! Whether you have plans to visit family or you are taking a road trip with the children just to get away, traveling with young ones during Christmas can be a challenge. Here are my top tips for smooth sailing this holiday season with your little ones in tow:
1. Proper sleep is essential for children, so to avoid fussiness while traveling it is ideal to plan around your children’s rest schedule. Consider their naptime and dinner hour, especially if you have toddlers! I would recommend bringing their favorite books and stuffed animals to comfort them. This also helps them feel more grounded in their normal bedtime routine even if they are not sleeping in their usual bed. Pending your doctor’s approval, I would also recommend some natural melatonin gummies for children to help them relax and doze off quickly. They will be snoring in no time!
2. Stock up on snacks! Be prepared with plenty of their favorite foods. We like to take a small cooler full of freshly cut up fruit, cheese, and yogurt. Then we move onto the non-perishable items such as crackers, pretzels, and nuts. I like to pre-portion these in small containers or Ziploc bags. I also take a small stash of lollipops and fruit gummies to serve as little treats when warranted.
3. Bring a bag of their favorite toys or games for entertainment. I would also recommend a few new items they have never seen before, especially if you are going to be on a long plane or car ride. These don’t have to be expensive! You can easily stock up on some affordable little surprises at the dollar store. Your children will be delighted, and it will be well worth it. My children also enjoy coloring books and crayons. This is something that easily fits in their backpack and is wonderful for travel. When it has been a long day and everyone needs a break, a little time on the iPad or a pair of headphones work nicely. That usually does the trick!
4. Don’t over-plan. Traveling with children requires flexibility and patience. High expectations and over scheduling activities are not the best idea for young children who are out of their normal routine. Go with the flow and make the quality time you spend together your goal, not the number of “expected” activities you had hoped to check off your list. If you are relaxed, your children will be, too!
Samantha Reyna
Mom to 2 toddlers and loving wife