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10 Ways to Support Yourself

Writer: Alina GersibAlina Gersib

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Last week I wrote a blog about 10 Ways to Show up for Friends. In order to fully support our friends, though, we need to feel supported, too. Considering the massive shifts in work and life for millions of people during COVID the overall level of unpredictability has increased dramatically. For some, unpredictability does not bode well for health and wellbeing as it causes stress to spike. To bring just a bit of added peace, here are 10 ideas to give yourself some added support.

1. Surround Yourself – This one can go one of two ways. If you are an extrovert, facetime your friends or meet them for a walk at the park. If you tend to be more introverted grab your coziest blanket and a pile of books.

2. Cook Your Favorite Food – Food nourishes the soul. Is there a dish that you love but have not eaten in a while? Break out the tools you need, play some music while you cook, and enjoy the process.

3. Go on a Walk – A multi-faceted form of stress relief, walking provides low impact exercise as well as a time to process thoughts and enjoy nature.

4. Therapy – Speaking to a certified professional is one of the best ways to give yourself support. Therapy is a helpful tool to identify blind spots, heal past hurts, and receive perspective.

5. Consistent Rest – If you want to function at your highest level it is imperative to cultivate the habit of recuperative rest. With all the content on the internet, it is all too easy to be sucked into a Netflix or HBO binge and next thing you know it’s 1 am! If you go to bed at 10pm one night, 2am the next, and 11pm the following, your body will be scrambling to catch up. This causes you to not only be groggy but also increases irritability and moodiness. Your body craves regularity when it comes to sleep. Aim for having a set time to go to sleep and wake up, and try it for one week to see how you feel.

6. Speak Morning Affirmations – Affirmations are a powerful tool to speak life over yourself and focus your attention on areas of growth. If you do not know where to start I highly recommend using a tool like the Enneagram to help you pinpoint areas of growth. If you already know your Enneagram type here are some affirmations specific to each type.

7. Give Yourself Permission – Do you usually say yes to things even if you do not want to do them? Give yourself permission to say, “No.” This will instantly help if you are feeling excessive stress over your schedule.

8. Find a Fun DIY – There is a great sense of accomplishment that comes with making something yourself. Scour Pinterest and find a diy that catches your eye. Whether it is a painting tutorial, a string wall hanging, or a clay jewelry bowl, you are sure to find a fun project.

9. Complete That One Ever-Looming To-Do – You know what I am talking about. There always seems to be something on the to-do list that you keep putting off. For me it was mending a pair of yoga pants with a hole in the seam. I knew it would only take a few minutes when I sat down to do it, but I put it off for weeks. I finally fixed them the other day and it felt great to cross off my list!

10. Facial – I do not know about you but between stress and wearing a mask my face has not been happy with me lately. Whether you schedule a visit to the spa or just light a candle and wash dishes with a facial mask on at home, your skin will thank you. Give some extra time to taking care of it properly.

I hope these 10 ideas help you create space for yourself and find a bit more rest throughout your day.

Alina Gersib

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